Monday, April 30, 2007

so an interesting development

i mentioned entering the contest.
and having the 2 pix published in the Green Mountain Club quarterly.

so yesterday i figured i'd get in touch w/ a local art gallery in burlington. emailed the curator 2 pix and an appeal for a sit down to discuss the possibility of an exhibition. well, go figure, she's leaving for grad school and so isn't currently scheduling anything "new." but, she was complimentary of my work and was impressed enough to ask if i wanted to help out teaching a workshop on vermont landscape photography.

ya gotta believe that that's an indicator.

could it be that another absolutely funky twist is in store fer yours truely.
i couldn't imagine the privilege of being able to spend my time, camera in hand, clamberin' around up in the high country.
sure would be cool.


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