Monday, April 02, 2007

out on the weekend...

not certain how it all kinda came together.
but here's the plan. and unlike last years grand plan to cruise the marcy > lower wolfjaw ridgeline in a day, this appears more understated and within reasonable expectation. not ta say that the other is outta the mix entirely.

but: a prezie traverse in the whites. w/overnights understood.
i'm lookin at a run that'll involve: madison, adams, jefferson, clay, WASHINGTON (could unseat haystack's classification as "filth." gimme dat, gimme dat bonecatcher...), monroe, franklin, ike, pierce. with a scoot and a boot back w/ a decision to be made as to whether to go down boot spur or nelson crag. all over the course of a relaxed stretch of vacation time.

details to follow...

gotta get me a tent. gotta get me a stove.
late may early june.


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